CrossFade, Dissolve, and other Effects using FFmpeg’s xfade Filter

Whenever two videos are joined together, a transition is usually added at the transition point – typically, a crossfade, dissolve, or a wipe-effect. You don’t need any expensive software to do this – all you need is FFmpeg and an understanding of the xfade filter to add an eye-catching crossfade, dissolve, or any other transition effect to your videos.

In this tutorial, let’s take a look at some common transitions to make your videos look amazing!

How do you add a CrossFade using FFmpeg?

The anatomy of a FFmpeg commandline using the xfade filter is as follows. Let’s look at it one line at a time.

ffmpeg \
-i video1.mp4 \
-i video2.mp4 \
-filter_complex xfade=transition=<FADE_TYPE>:\
  • you need to provide two input videos – the first video appears before the transition and the second one appears after the transition
  • then we call upon the xfade filter with the following parameters –
    • <FADE_TYPE> – here, you can choose from a wide range of transitions that the xfade filter supports (fade, dissolve, wipeleft, wiperight, etc.)
    • <TRANSITION_DURATION_IN_SECONDS> – here, you specify how long you want the transition to last
    • <OFFSET_RELATIVE_TO_FIRST_STREAM_IN_SECONDS> – here, you can specify (in seconds)after how many seconds you want the transition to begin relative to the first video
  • finally, you specify the output video. Note, that you can also provide encoding parameters here. In the absence of any encoding parameters, FFmpeg will default to crf = 23 with libx264.

In the following sections, let’s take a look at almost all the transitions that are available in FFmpeg’s xfade filter. I have taken two video clips – CrowdRun and Parkjoy and I’ll be concatenating them using a different transition each time.

To make things easier, I’ve created a video for each transition and attached it here. YouTube might experience some buffering issues and start-up delay – please wait a couple of seconds and it will improve.

Okay, let’s get started.

Dissolve Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 \
-filter_complex xfade=transition=dissolve:duration=3:offset=3 \

radial Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=radial:duration=5:offset=0 radialVideo.mp4

circleopen Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=circleopen:duration=5:offset=0 circleOpenVideo.mp4

circleclose Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=circleclose:duration=5:offset=0 circleCloseVideo.mp4

pixelize Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=pixelize:duration=5:offset=0 pixelizeVideo.mp4

hlslice Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=hlslice:duration=5:offset=0 hlsliceVideo.mp4

hrslice Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=hrslice:duration=5:offset=0 hrsliceVideo.mp4

vuslice Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=vuslice:duration=5:offset=0 vusliceVideo.mp4

vdslice Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=vdslice:duration=5:offset=0 vdsliceVideo.mp4

hblur Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=hblur:duration=5:offset=0 hblurVideo.mp4

fadegrays Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=fadegrays:duration=5:offset=0 fadegraysVideo.mp4

fadeblack Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=fadeblack:duration=5:offset=0 fadeblackVideo.mp4

fadewhite Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=fadewhite:duration=5:offset=0 fadewhiteVideo.mp4

rectcrop Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=rectcrop:duration=5:offset=0 rectcropVideo.mp4

circlecrop Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=circlecrop:duration=5:offset=0 circlecropVideo.mp4

wipeleft Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=wipeleft:duration=5:offset=0 wipeleftVideo.mp4

wiperight Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=wiperight:duration=5:offset=0 wiperightVideo.mp4

slidedown Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=slidedown:duration=5:offset=0 slidedownVideo.mp4

slideup Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=slideup:duration=5:offset=0 slideupVideo.mp4

slideleft Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=slideleft:duration=5:offset=0 slideleftVideo.mp4

slideright Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=slideright:duration=5:offset=0 sliderightVideo.mp4

distance Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=distance:duration=5:offset=0 distanceVideo.mp4

diagtl Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=diagtl:duration=5:offset=0 diagtlVideo.mp4


xfade filter documentation on the FFmpeg website. It contains a list of all the transitions that FFmpeg supports. You can download a static FFmpeg build for Windows 64 bit here on if you want to test some of these effects.


7 thoughts on “CrossFade, Dissolve, and other Effects using FFmpeg’s xfade Filter”

  1. Great tutorial. The internet is full of all these wonderful commands for ffmpeg. Well I got tired of memorizing them/jogging down & decided to create a front end for ffmpeg in PHP.
    For example, in your transitions examples only these variables change: filename1, filename2, transition type, duration and offset.

    So we can create a definition for an HTML form for the ffmpeg command:
    ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=diagtl:duration=5:offset=0 diagtlVideo.mp4

    ffmpeg -i %inputVideo1% -i %inputVideo2% -filter_complex xfade=transition=%transition%:duration=%duration%:offset=%offset% %outputVideo%

    In this way, I have created, so far 79 actions for ffmpeg. I am now adding this transition action to that code.

    Thank you

  2. I want to concate n number of videos with different effects between each video depending upon user’s preference. How can I achieve that?

    ex. In this example I am doing some trimming, scaling and also I want transition in between. But I am not sure where to add xfade in this.

    ffmpeg -y -loglevel warning -i ../source/sea.mp4 -i ../source/voice.mp4 -f lavfi -t 0.1 -i anullsrc=channel_layout=mono:sample_rate=44100 -filter_complex “[0:v] trim=start=5:end=8,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=w=min(iw*480/ih\,640):h=min(480\,ih*640/iw), pad=w=640:h=480:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(480-ih)/2 [video0]; [1:v] trim=start=5:end=8,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=w=min(iw*480/ih\,640):h=min(480\,ih*640/iw), pad=w=640:h=480:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(480-ih)/2 [video1];[1:a]atrim=start=5:end=12,asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[audio1];[video0][2][video1][audio1] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v][a]” -vsync 2 -map “[v]” -map “[a]” -c:a aac -c:v h264 -crf 18 -preset veryfast -f mp4 ../dest/output.mp4

  3. ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=fade:duration=5:offset=2 outputVideo.mp4

    I am trying to apply this type of command between 2 video clips where the first clip has no sound and the second clip have some sound. As I noticed, the sound starts at the beginning of the output video.

    If the first video clip is of 5 seconds and has no sound, then in the output video, there will no sound for 5 seconds in the output video. Basically the sound should remain in the portion of the output video where a particular clip has some sound.

    Kindly help me out on how it can be implemented using FFMPEG command.

  4. how to combine and fade a folder full of videos? like to make a videoslideshow. a loop going through all videos in that folder so you dont have to edit the script all the time.

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